Reflection mirror

Trusee can customizes different kind of reflection mirror, such as wide band reflector or triple band reflector, with High LIDT and various size. Wavelength varies from UV – visible – NIR. Wideband reflection mirrors are important components for controlling beam transmission in laser systems due to their multi-wavelength and large-angle compatibility characteristics.

Product description

Trusee can provide Reflection coating with High LIDT and various size. Wavelength varies from UV – LWIR.

– Substrate:Quartz,BK7, K9,etc

– Dimension:customizable

– Tranmitted wavefront:PV < λ/10(λ=632.8 nm)

– Surface quality:40/20(MIL-PRF-13830B)

– LIDT:customizable

Typical Products

Pick-Off mirror

Pick-Off mirror is a fusion-level laser device-the most demanding optical element to resist laser damage。LIDT of our Pick-off reflector is 62.99J/cm2 (1053nm,3ns). Parameter as follows:

Triple band reflector

Used in Nd:YAG laser system,it meets the high reflection of fundamental frequency, double frequency and triple frequency light at same time. Specs as follows: